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Streeter Lane and Surry Quarry

We live in an area that is awash with beauty. Families own land, they work it, they take pride in it. My dad has been a professional logger and conservationist longer than I have been alive.  I remember as a kid being embarrassed because my dad cut down trees, I didn’t know then the extent to which he goes to preserve the land and the animals that reside on it. My dad owns 300 acres of land in Surry NH. It is land locked and cannot be developed. It has several vernal pools. My dad has been making sure they don’t dry up and that people don’t drive through them in order to keep the pollywogs and salamanders alive.  My father’s property borders the Surry Quarry. He has been part of a group of people who have cleaned it up over the years. People often have parties there and trash ends up in the water. It is unfortunate, and a never ending process.  The beauty of this land astounds me. I am proud to be my fathers daughter when I see the work he does here. I am grateful that my children and

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